The graphics are, as I said, 16-bit pixel are. They're smooth and pretty good looking, the game is easy on the eyes and relatively clear to sight. The game has an obnoxious fog of war element that is on the most part just a nuisance and doesn't add much. There was a potential here for human enemies to cast light while nonhuman would not, but like everything else the game is just explicitly lazy and there you go. Terraria had lighting, it was a big part of how its engine ever looked good, but this ... does not.

Loot is extremely boring, I think it might closely resemble Borderlands, which I've never played. There are four guns - though you never use the pistol, so basically there are three guns - which have a variety of stats. You get drops, and some of them have better stats. Everything else you take back to the saleswoman in the hide out and process into gold or credits or whatever dollars. You upgrade your bag and your health though her, that's the entire loot system. You can use gems found in the wild to heal yourself, which once you have the bag space, you should always hold on to do.
The game builds random levels, and in this regard, it reminds me less of things Terraria or on the other end of the spectrum Rogue Legacy, and more like the random map generation from HoMM3. Things are just sloppy and ill put together, which a lot of irritating dead ends and this creeping realization that anything that looks interesting just isn't worth interacting with. Going through a maze to find 2 bags of gold just isn't worth the risk of doing, or the time, or anything else. The hazard platforming is intentionally sloppy, because it is built with RNG it doesn't really bother to behave in any organized fashion. So the hallway of knives or traps basically just goes off at random, so trying to chart your way through it like you would a normal platformer doesn't work.

I had to turn the music off. It is bad. It's especially weird in that the visuals are clean and smooth, but the music feels like an agonizing random mess. Maybe the music was generated by a routine as well. It wouldn't shock me.
Anyway while I wouldn't say platformines was outright terrible, it is pretty mediocre and handicaps itself at every turn. The loot system is more limited than it should be - more gear could easily be done, but instead all of you have is hats - and the routine used to build levels doesn't make anything cool. As Terraria has light in the dark, Platformines has an awful fog of war system and range issues and just everything to make it extremely monotonous.

I eventually gave up, not because it got too difficult, as it remains about the same the whole way through, but because the map kept choking off any progress and after twenty minutes of getting no closer to the next item I just got the feeling the rng might just be total garbage and moved on with my life.