Was this game seriously made in 2010? Blimey, I feel sometimes like I'm stepping between eras whenever I pick another steam game to pick up. FF8 is 1999 or something, this is ten years after that and SR:R was 4 years from that?
Anyway! Fallout New Vegas is, according to most reviews I've read, the best of the "two" Fallout games produced roughly around the same time. I had something of a mixed opinion of Fallout 3, which was good but not great, and I've always been a little scared to fire up FO:NV. You see of all the bad mental habits I have, I think I'm a bit suggestible in a weird way. If someone tells me something is hot doody, I tend to gird myself and then be pleasantly surprised. If someone tells me something is amazing, I tend to pick out its flaws and not give it much room to breath.
Tell me Fallout: New Vegas is the hottest RPG title in the last five years for storytelling and worldbuilding, watch me sputter like a vagrant in a hot dog explosion as I try to get over how bad the mouse acceleration is. More on this later, though...
FO:NV also has the weird issue with Bethesda steam DLC pricing. Basically, a friend of mine bought me this game for a fiver a couple years ago, and I left it in my inventory. I used to do that, leave games lying there out of my library. Anyway, eventually the game went on sale for the same price, but with all the DLC packed in, and it was more to buy the DLC later. I don't know what Bethesda's deal is here, but I ended up buying the game again with all the DLC and leaving that copy sitting there. Which I still have.
I don't know how to feel about that, either. I do want to make the point that the played statistic above is an astounding thirteen hours off my in-game played time. That's a lot of time alt-tabbed looking at solutions, crashing to desktop, fixing mod orders and other general nonsense. Still, sixty plus hours is a lot of game, either way, and I guess playing with mods counts as gaming sort of anyway?