Obvious comedy aside, shit this game is good and damn does it look good. You would not imagine that a kart racer has thus far been above and away the prettiest thing I've run through this monitor, but I'm sorry Witcher 2, you sir are dethroned. The screenshots really can't do it justice.
The title of the game has this key little word that defines why it's so amazing to look at: Transformed. What does transformed mean here? It means, as the track goes, the vehicle you're driving in or the track beneath you can transform. It's way cooler than it sounds, usually - there's a little bug in the land/air to water transformation that crops up very rarely - but basically you go from driving, to hitting the water as a boat, to launching into the air as a jet or hovercraft or weird looking steam punk thing. The tracks change over the course of the race, either pushing you into different sections or entire sections explode, so you take off into the air.

Why do they put water in mmorpgs anyway? That's all it ever is - go slow. Great. Here, water is fun, though obviously the way a boat handles is pretty eager to fishtail. But then again, it's a boat. Boats do that. I am not good at driving a boat because I am not literally boat people. I've spent less time in a boat than I have in a plane in the real life.