I always feel sort of soft on stuff I get through bundles. I paid like, pennies for all the hard work people put in but man sometimes games just aren't. Chompy chomp chomp isn't exactly in that category, but it is real close.
CCC, as I'm going to call it, is visually attractive. I like the art style, the little monsters running around and going bite bite is nice looking. Then ... That's it. The audio direction is cute, and fine, but the actual game is just a somewhat complex version of playing a children's game of tag. There is also a single player mode that allows you to play another version of tag.
There's nothing really wrong with the game, though the load times are a little high, but there's not much really to the game either. The basic principle is solid, and the single player is not a bad set of ideas either, but there just isn't that much content with overly too small maps and total reliance on playing with other people. If I were going to recommend a party game for small children, this game would work out well, but anyone older and Hoard or Sacred Citadels which I reviewed elsewhere are just going to be better Big Picture Mode games.

I do sort of feel like the game just needed to be a touch more ambitious. Just a bit bigger map wise, a couple more mechanics, maybe some maps with some second or third floors, or teleporters - Just something to spice it up a little.
The little Chompies really are so cute though! Look at his little flesh-devouring face!
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